How Priming Drives Customer Decisions

Plus, ⏳Adapting Strategies for Tough Times

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Get Your Team Booked on 3.8 Million Podcasts Automatically

The best way to advertise isn't Meta or Google – it's appearing on dozens of podcasts that your customers already love.

You could write a few emails yourself to podcast hosts...

Or you could automate thousands of emails going out weekly, pitching your people as the PERFECT next podcast guest.


  • Log in with your email

  • Load your brand info

  • Click "automate"

Emails pitching your team as the perfect next guest will start sending out automatically to podcast hosts.

Big brands like Feastables are already using it instead of expensive PR Agencies.

The Power of Pre-Suasion
Insights from Customer Camp

Getting your audience ready to buy isn’t just about the hard sell; it’s about setting the stage perfectly beforehand. This strategy, known as “pre-suasion,” involves creating the ideal environment and using subtle cues to nudge potential customers toward purchasing.

The Magic of Priming

Priming is all about influencing decisions before a pitch even begins. Researchers found that when consumers encountered words associated with luxury (like "prestige"), they were more likely to choose higher-end brands subconsciously. This phenomenon highlights the importance of setting the right mood before your audience considers buying.

How to Apply Priming Tactics

  1. Brand Colors That Speak Volumes
    Colors can evoke powerful emotional responses. Take McDonald’s, for example their red and yellow branding isn’t just eye-catching; it’s psychologically designed to stimulate hunger and create a sense of urgency. Use colors strategically to prime your audience’s emotions and drive action.

  1. Build Anticipation for Launches
    Effective priming starts well before a product launch. Begin creating content that addresses your target audience’s pain points months in advance. This raises awareness and makes the audience more receptive when your solution finally hits the market.

  1. Leverage Strategic Partnerships
    Collaborating with influencers who already have the trust of your target audience can be a game-changer. HelloFresh’s partnership with Jessica Alba wasn’t random; it was a calculated move to prime a health-conscious audience. Aligning with trusted voices in your industry can enhance brand perception and drive conversions.

The Takeaway

Priming your audience is a subtle yet powerful tool. By creating the right atmosphere and using strategic cues, you can make your buyers more open to your message before you even start your pitch. Remember, familiarity and repetition are key to building trust and increasing sales.

Thriving Through Challenges
Insights from Chewonthis

Two years ago, everything changed dramatically. The pandemic reshaped the business landscape, disrupting supply chains, inflating costs, and altering consumer behavior. On top of that, digital marketing took a hit with new privacy updates, making it clear that old strategies were no longer effective. To stay afloat, we knew we needed a new game plan—fast. Now, with over $80 million in sales, we've emerged stronger, but the path wasn't easy.

Reimagining Marketing Post-Privacy Changes
With new data privacy rules, digital ads became less effective and more expensive, forcing a pivot in strategy. We shifted focus from over-reliance on a single platform to a more diverse marketing approach.

 This meant ramping up creative development, committing to conversion rate optimization (CRO), and increasing organic visibility. By testing a wide range of new ad concepts weekly and expanding our messaging, we managed to regain traction and improve overall performance.

Refocusing on Core Strengths
Amid rapid growth, we realized we had lost sight of our core strengths. Initially focused on a specific niche, we had ventured too far afield with a scattered product lineup. A comprehensive review helped us cut down non-essential offerings and refocus on what mattered most. This clarity allowed us to streamline operations and strengthen our brand's core identity.

Reinventing Financial Strategy
Aligning financial strategy with marketing became a priority. By monitoring key metrics like Contribution Margin and refining our cash flow processes, we maintained financial stability. Negotiating better terms with suppliers and utilizing innovative credit solutions allowed us to improve cash flow, ensuring we could keep the business running smoothly even during tough economic times.

The Takeaway
Adapting to change, staying focused, and managing finances strategically are key to thriving in any business environment. Our journey shows that resilience, combined with smart planning, can turn even the toughest challenges into opportunities for growth.

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