Winning Over Gen Z

Plus, ⏩Effortless Scene Shifts

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Gen Z's Playbook for Brands
Insights from Stacked Marketer

Generation Z, the true digital natives, are no longer the kids we once knew—they’re the trendsetters of today’s market. As they step into their late twenties, their influence on consumer behavior is undeniable. Here’s how you can stay ahead of the curve by understanding what makes them tick.

The Zoomer Brand Blueprint

Gen Z values more than just price—they’re on the hunt for brands that deliver quality and uphold sustainability. They may be loyal, but they’re not afraid to jump ship if something better comes along. If your brand isn’t eco-friendly, you might be missing out on a golden opportunity, especially in industries like fashion and beauty, where sustainability is a top priority.

TikTok: The New Search Engine? Not Quite.

While TikTok is becoming a popular search tool for Gen Z, it hasn’t dethroned Google—yet. Adobe’s data reveals that 10% of Zoomers might turn to TikTok first, but most still rely on Google. That said, TikTok’s influence is growing, particularly for DIY, fashion, and beauty content. It’s time to add TikTok to your marketing mix, but don’t abandon Google just yet.

Video Reigns Supreme

For Gen Z, video isn’t just content—it’s the main event. With 72% of Zoomers spending their social media time watching videos, platforms like YouTube and TikTok are essential battlegrounds. While TikTok is rising in popularity, YouTube still holds the crown in the U.S. Brands should focus on creating dynamic, engaging video content to capture the attention of this visually-driven generation.

The Takeaway

To win over Gen Z, your brand needs to be more than just a product—it must tell a story. Highlight your commitment to sustainability, craft engaging video content, and stay flexible as new trends emerge. Remember, Zoomers are always on the lookout for the next big thing and are quick to embrace change.

🌟 Morph Image Sceneries Effortlessly
Insights from Superhuman AI

Ready to give your images a whole new vibe? Krea AI makes it easy to transform image scenes in just a few simple steps. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Log In to Krea AI

Start by heading to the Krea AI website and logging in with your account. Once you’re in, you’re just a few clicks away from transforming your images.

Step 2: Upload Your Image

Click on the "Enhance" button at the top of the page and upload the image you want to modify. This will serve as your reference image for the scene transformation.

Step 3: Activate Scene Transfer

Find and click "Scene Transfer" in the left-hand tab to activate it. This is where the magic happens.

Step 4: Define Your New Scene

You have two options: either upload another image as a scene reference in the "Scene Image" section or describe the desired scene in the "Scene Prompt" box. For example, you might use a prompt like “bike on the road, rainy cloudy sky, and skyscrapers in the background.”

Step 5: Enhance and Transform

Click on "Enhance" and let Krea AI work its magic. Your image will be transformed in just a few seconds with the new scene you’ve defined.

Step 6: Download and Share

Once you’re happy with the transformation, download and share the image with your friends or use it wherever you like!

The Takeaway

Krea AI makes it effortless to reimagine your photos with new scenes and backgrounds. Whether you’re looking to add a creative twist or entirely change the setting, Krea AI gives you the tools to do it seamlessly. Give it a try and watch your images transform!

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